Advene 3.15
The Advene project (Annotate Digital Video, Exchange on the NEt) aims at providing a model and a format to share annotations about digital video documents (movies, courses, conferences...), as well as tools to edit and visualize the hypervideos generated from both the annotations and the audiovisual documents. With the Advene software, teachers, moviegoers, etc. can exchange multimedia comments and analyses about video documents. The project also aims at studying the way that communities of users (teachers, moviegoers, students...) will use these self-publishing tools to share their audiovisual "readings", and to envision new editing and viewing interfaces for interactive comment and analysis of audiovisual content.
Advene key features:
Annotation of videos. Advene supports any video format, and can also read from from DVDs or streams.
Easy and custom re/structuration of annotations.
Create annotations: video bookmarks, synchronized note-taking.
Import from files (like srt) and some automatic extraction (shot detection, audio segmentation...)
Display of annotations' content (or anything derived) as text or SVG caption on the video (screencast)
Multiple built-in views of annotations : timeline, finder, transcription, ...
A static capture of generated documents can be obtained, with the insertion of an embedded video player.
Ability to dynamically control the video player based on the annotations, by defining dynamic views.
Annotations and views are stored in packages that can be saved, shared, stored on a server, etc.
Import: text, SRT subtitles, ELAN, PRAAT, CMML, IRI, Anvil, MPEG7, Xi, AnnotationGraph, shotdetect, lsdvd.
Export to: SMIL, SVG, HTML+CSS, CMML, XML, SRT subtitles, spreadsheet.

Latest version: 3.15 (09 Jan 2025)
License: Freeware
System requirements: Windows 7/8/10/11
Download: Advene 3.15 (108.0 MB)
Download: Portable Advene 3.15
See also:
Video Edit Master
EKD EnKoDeur-Mixeur
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