Avanti is a dedicated control GUI for FFmpeg with the option to insert AviSynth as pre-processor. It can be used with almost all Windows OS builds of FFmpeg. It offers user friendly control over all basic and advanced FFmpeg options. A number of template examples are included. No need to be familiar with Avisynth to use the predefined Avanti/Avisynth pre-processor options. Avanti is not just a encoder front-end that uses FFmpeg in the background as encoding engine for a predefined (limited) number of formats. It's a dedicated "workbench" for FFmpeg/Avisynth that keeps all their capabilities as open as possible. Avanti offers a lot of user supporting features and utilities like linking of user selectable post-processing tools, bitrate calculator, VirtualDub edit list to Avisynth trim conversion, Avisynth plugin manager and more.

Avanti can be used with FFmpeg Win32 builds and AviSynth 2.5.7 or higher. There's no version of FFmpeg, FFplay or AviSynth included in the package but these are available for free. You can download the latest Win32 build here and copy ffmpeg.exe and ffplay.exe to the ffmpeg folder at your Avanti install directory.

AVANTI Screenshot

AVANTI Interface

Latest version: 0.9.2 (09 Apr 2015)
License: Freeware
System requirements: Windows (All)
Download: avanti-092.7z (1.2 MB)

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